Curriculum & Courses

The school is following NCERT curriculum. To uplift moral and social qualities of studnets special syllabus from vidya Council for Education Kerala is followed in Arabic and Islamic Studies.

The Kindergarten

The kindergarten has three levels; PRE-KG , LKG and UKG named as FLY 1, FLY 2 & FLY 3 ( 3-6 years) . Children are admitted in the PRE - KG on completion of 3 years. But in certain cases direct admission to the LKG and UKG is made, provided that student has the skill and age equal to that of the students in the LKG or UKG. The KG (Little Buds Kindergarten) focuses on the overall development of each individual child. Here children play and learn. We try to visualize the term 'plearn' in the campus.

Primary Classes I – V

English, Arabic, Hindi, Malayalam, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, IT, Moral Studies, General Knowledge, Physical Education and Art Education.

Middle School Classes VI – VIII

English, Arabic, Hind, Malayalam, Mathematics, General Science, Social Science, Moral Studies, IT, Work Experience, Physical and Health Education, Art Education.

Secondary School IX – X

English, Arabic, Hindi, Malayalam, Mathematics, General Sciences, Social Sciences, Moral Studies, IT, Work Experience, Physical and Health Education, Art Education and Yoga.

Senior Secondary XI - XII

This section culminates in students facing All India Secondary Certificate Examination with the following groups.

Special Group :- English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics.

Biology Group I :-English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Malayalam.

Biology Group II :- English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Arabic.

Maths Group :- English, Physics, Chemistry,Mathematics, Computer.